What Size Car is Best for My Teen Driver?

What Size Car is Best for My Teen Driver?

What Size Car is Best for My Teen Driver?

When a teen finally gets their driver’s license, their parents might start thinking about getting them their own car. While the parents often think about the price of the vehicle as being the most significant priority, teens are usually most concerned with getting some swanky-looking wheels. Both of those ideas should come second though. The most important quality on the list should be automobile safety.

According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), it’s essential to avoid getting a teen a small, compact car as their very first vehicle. Teens are at a higher risk of car crashes due to their inexperience behind the wheel, making it vital to invest in secure transport. There are four key things that parents should remember when it comes time to choose a vehicle for their adolescent.

Why Large Cars are Best for New Drivers

One of the first things to consider is that bigger, heavier automobiles are better because they are safer for the driver and passengers. Overall, SUVs and Jeeps are acceptable, while smaller machines or convertibles are poor choices.

A vehicle for a teen should also include electronic stability control, which is essential for helping drivers to maintain control of a car when driving on slick roads and curves on the highway. Implemented in 2012, this technology is proven to save lives by reducing fatal car accidents by nearly half the amount.

Parents should avoid vehicles with high horsepower. Teens tend to take more risks on the road. Their young age gives them a sense of invincibility, so it’s best to limit their speed as much as possible.

Safety Test Results

The IIHS performed crash tests to assess what can happen with smaller vehicles, even when they have excellent safety ratings. The analysis monitored what would happen when a head-on collision occurs, comparing large cars and small cars made by the same manufacturer. The results were astounding, showing that the size and weight of an automobile are integral when it comes to protecting the occupants.

The study showed that even with excellent safety ratings, the crash test dummies in the small cars came out considerably more damaged than the dolls in the bigger rides. In a real crash, experts stated that occupants in the vehicles would have been at an even higher risk for sustaining head injuries.

What to do When an Accident Involves a Teen

If you sustained injuries in a crash caused by a teenager, you could take legal action, even though they are underage. It’s best to contact an experienced attorney who can give you detailed guidance at this time. Most youngsters are registered under their parent’s insurance, and a legal professional can help you obtain redress.

If your teen was involved in or caused an accident, it’s best to take swift action and call a lawyer. The Umansky Law Firm has over 100 years of experience helping injured parties recover the funds they need to get back to a quality way of life. Seek a free consultation by calling our office or completing our contact form.

What Size Car is Best for My Teen Driver?