BAC on Its Way to .05 to be Over Legal Limit
The National Transportation Safety Board in Washington has taken a new look at the DUI limits, and made a recommendation to the states that the BAC limit be lowered to .05. Since 2009, the legal limit has been .08, which legally determined the sobriety level for someone driving a vehicle. Law enforcement arrests those driving at the legal limit.
Now, with texting, distracted driving has reached higher proportions. In the recent years, there have been as many as 44,000 fatal auto accidents in which over 10,000 of those were the result of a DUI offense. This is approximately one-third, which Hersman states have declined in recent years. But, when the number of accidents from texting is added in, the number of fatalities grows.
The United States has declared this a national epidemic, which includes drivers from teens to adults. In an effort to create a lighter standard, the NTSB recommended that all 50 states accept this new BAC level for DUI/DWI drivers. Since 1980, more than 445,000 people have died in America due to alcohol or drug impaired driving, and that number is approximately 1 ½ times the population of Orlando. NTSB projects that the new BAC would save 500 to 800 lives a year.
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The proposal can only be a recommendation for states leadership, and for a BAC .05 to become the new legal limit, each state legislature would be required to vote on the proposal. Some concerns have surfaced already from the public and a private agency concerning a smaller woman having a glass of wine with dinner and driving home with a BAC of .05.
In the 1980’s, the BAC was 0.15 until MADD Mothers fought across the country and got it reduced to 08. Statistics show that from 1980 to 2011 the number of alcohol related fatalities dropped from 20,000 to 9,800, in half.
Laws are complicated, and if you have found yourself in the midst of legal issues, contact the Umansky Law Firm. Our DUI attorneys have been serving the Orlando area for over 20 years, and they are experienced in helping you find a solution to your legal problems.