Auburndale Criminal Defense Lawyer

Auburndale may be in the top ten most populated cities in Polk County but by no means does that make it a large city. With a population of just over 13,000 residents and a land area of roughly 13 square miles, the city is not one known for being densely populated; however, that does not mean that the area is free of criminal activity. Auburndale’s crime rate is 26% higher than Florida’s average and 38% higher than the national average with a majority of those offenses being property crimes.

Law enforcement is aware of the high propensity of crimes like robbery, burglary, and theft, which is why they are constantly on the lookout for and quick to respond to reports of any such criminal activity. Those arraigned for such charges may feel hopeless and find themselves awaiting sentencing rather than seeking legal representation. Your best chance of having charges reduced or clearing your name altogether is through the acquisition of an Auburndale criminal defense lawyer.

Common Criminal Offenses in Auburndale

Crimes are generally split up into two categories: violent and non-violent. Violent crimes are those like murder where someone uses force to harm another individual. Non-violent crimes, like those against someone’s property, do not involve the use of force against a third party. Although non-violent property crimes are committed more often in Auburndale, there are plenty others with severe criminal penalties. These include:

  • Domestic abuse
  • Sex crimes
  • Theft
  • Fraud
  • Violation of probation
  • Assault
  • Battery
  • Cybercrime
  • DUI

Each of these crimes is punishable by varying penalties, all of which can be damaging to your emotional and financial well-being. Whether it be your first offense or one of many, your best chance of mitigating the situation is through the services of a criminal defense attorney who is willing to fight to the end for your freedom. To acquire such an attorney, you must be proactive in your search for legal representation.

Immediate Steps After an Auburndale Arrest

As discouraging as the circumstances may be, it is vital that you keep hope alive. There are many possibly life-altering decisions you must make in the days following your arrest. One of the most impactful decisions is settling on what plea to enter.  Rather than rely on your gut decision, acquire a legal expert who has dedicated his or her life to representing those facing severely damaging criminal charges.

Contact a Trustworthy Auburndale Criminal Defense Attorney

The Auburndale criminal defense lawyers at The Umansky Law Firm are ready and willing to allocate the resources necessary for a successful case. We do so by analyzing case details, listening to first-hand accounts, and using that information to construct an impermeable defense. One poor decision shouldn’t determine the rest of your life. Get a much-needed second chance when you call us for a free consultation.

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    Auburndale Criminal Defense Lawyer