Agg Assault With Deadly Weapon
    Case Number : 2020-CF-004374
    County : Polk

    Client business owner for over 20 years was going to bank to make daily deposit. As he entered bank parking lot, he almost struck victims in pickup truck and words were exchanged by the parties. Client parked his car and attempted to enter business but before reaching the doorway victims came around corner and reengaged with client one even brandished a firearm. At that point client took cover retrieved his firearm and defended himself by shooting. The victims drove off and client attempted to go into bank but was told to leave and he left and called 911. Client cooperated with police but was ultimately charged with two counts of attempted second degree murder with a firearm and facing two 10 year minimum mandatory sentences. Client who has no criminal history was never offered anything under 20 years of prison and case was thoroughly investigated and litigated with depositions, stand your ground hearing, and a writ of prohibition. After the denial of the stand your ground motion and the appeal, the case was set for trial. Prior to the jury being sworn in the state made an offer of probation to a third degree felony with a withhold and dismissal of the attempted murder charges and client accepted to move on with his life and close this chapter.

    Date Resolved : DECEMBER 2023
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