Lake County Fentanyl Lawyer

Fentanyl is a drug that has received a lot of attention in recent years. Due to the harmful reactions that can occur with this substance, Florida has begun to aggressively pursue criminal charges for possessing or trafficking fentanyl. A trustworthy drug defense attorney is often the only thing standing between you and prison time.

When you or someone in your life is facing fentanyl-related charges in Mount Dora, Eustis, Leesburg, or any other area in the county, finding the right legal counsel is critical. Prosecuting attorneys are known for aggressively pursuing these defendants, even in cases where the evidence of guilt is weak. Let a Lake County fentanyl lawyer help you protect your constitutional rights, whether you are facing possession, trafficking, or distribution charges.

Possession of Fentanyl

Any arrest involving fentanyl is a serious offense, but the penalties associated with simple possession are lower than other in charges. It is unlawful to possess any amount of the drug, with the penalties increasing with the amount a person has.

This substance is treated as a Schedule II drug according to state law, and the penalties associated with offense were increased after public outcry from the number of overdose deaths linked to fentanyl.

Each of these possession charges is treated as a felony. However, the specific level of felony depends on the amount of fentanyl in question. At the lowest level, a person convicted of holding less than four grams faces up to five years in prison and up to a $5,000 fine. At the higher end of the scale, anything more than 28 grams has a maximum penalty of 25 years in prison and fines of up to $500,000.

Distribution of Fentanyl

The offense of distribution is related to not only the possession of fentanyl but also the sale of the substance. Alternatively, these charges are appropriate for someone either delivering or providing the drug to another person. A conviction not only requires proof of possession, but also that the illegal substance was moved in some way that suggests it was an attempt to provide it to another party.

A Lake County lawyer could work with a defendant on fentanyl defense strategies, such as mistaken identity, being unaware that the drug was involved in their activities, or a violation of constitutional rights when they were arrested.

Trafficking Fentanyl

Trafficking charges have a lot in common with the charge of distribution. This charge also involves the sale of Fentanyl, but there are some important differences to be aware of. One of the most important differences is that, unlike distribution, the offense of trafficking does not require any evidence of transporting or moving the controlled substance.

There is another significant distinction: trafficking charges typically involve a much larger volume of drugs compared to distribution cases. A conviction for this offense carries high penalties, with some defendants facing as much as 30 years behind bars. Prior drug convictions can increase the penalty range for this offense.

The Possibility of First-Degree Murder Charges

Another change in the law was the introduction of first-degree murder charges following certain fentanyl-related deaths. Specifically, a person convicted of selling fentanyl to someone else could be charged with homicide if the sale resulted in a fatal overdose. This charge is at the discretion of the State’s Attorney. A fentanyl lawyer in Lake County could help someone who was charged with homicide and set them up with a reliable defense attorney.

Talk to a Lake County Fentanyl Attorney Today

A conviction on any of these charges could lead to life-altering consequences for you and your family, including significant time in prison. However, you have the right to fight back, and a criminal defense attorney could help you do just that.

Let a Lake County Fentanyl lawyer serve as your advocate in this extremely difficult time. Reach out to us today for a confidential consultation.

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    Lake County Fentanyl Lawyer