How to Choose a Defense Attorney for a Successful Appeal

How to Choose a Defense Attorney for a Successful Appeal

How to Choose a Defense Attorney for a Successful Appeal

So you’ve been to trial and, unfortunately, things didn’t go as planned. You may have hired private legal counsel or accepted court-appointed legal representation, but you still ended up getting convicted for the charges you faced. It may seem as if you’ve lost out on your final opportunity to have those charges dismissed. However, state and federal law allows convicted individuals the chance to have their cases retried or the facts of the case reconsidered. 

This is known as an appeal, and in filing an appeal of the court’s decision, you’ll require the legal services from an experienced appellate lawyer.

Finding a Local Appellate Lawyer

Many people assume that their trial attorney will automatically serve as their appellate lawyer, but that’s not how it works. Some trial lawyers also have experience handling appeals, but it’s in your best interests to acquire services from a lawyer who specializes in filing appeals on behalf of the convicted. 

To ensure that your search for an appellate lawyer is successful, it’s crucial that you’re aware of exactly what your attorney will do for you. Some of the primary responsibilities of an appellate lawyer include: 

  • Ensuring that you file a notice of appeal within the allotted time period
  • Filing appeal documents to be considered
  • Receiving the response brief from the prosecution 
  • Responding to the response brief
  • Requesting oral arguments (if deemed necessary) 

If you don’t know where to start in your search for your appellate lawyer, consider asking your trial lawyer. Receiving a recommendation from another legal professional can help ensure that the attorney is competent. However, you also want to conduct your own research. Look into their years of experience and previous case results. You can use this information to make an informed decision.

Can I Use My Trial Lawyer for an Appeal?

If you don’t want to go through the hassle of finding another attorney to handle your case, you could simply utilize the services of your trial attorney. This decision, however, does have its drawbacks. 

The most notable advantage is that this individual has a thorough understanding of how your charges originated, what occurred during the trial, and the motivation behind the eventual conviction. This gives your trial attorney a leg up on a new appellate lawyer who would have to waste precious time gathering this information. 

On the other hand, trial lawyers are not always as equally skilled as appellate lawyers. An appellate lawyer can also step in and provide a fresh perspective, exploring aspects of your case that your trial lawyer never touched upon. This new set of eyes combined with experience handling criminal appeals can be a recipe for success.

Discuss Your Options With a Seasoned Appellate Attorney

Your appeal is one of your final chances to get it right. Allow us to help you in your fight for freedom by securing the legal services of an Orlando criminal appeals attorney. Our team boasts more than 100 years of combined experience and is committed to providing you with the representation that you deserve. Contact our office for a free case evaluation.

How to Choose a Defense Attorney for a Successful Appeal