Car Crash This Morning on West Colonial Involves 11 Injured

Car Crash This Morning on West Colonial Involves 11 Injured

Car Crash This Morning on West Colonial Involves 11 Injured

There was a terrible car crash on West Colonial Drive this morning, involving five vehicles. The accident took place at around 8:45 am near the intersection of West Colonial Drive and Paul Street. One of the five vehicles was a church van, carrying disabled passengers. The van ended up on its side, and the passengers were trapped as a result. Orange County Fire and Rescue responded to the scene, and had to extricate six people from their vehicles, before they could prepare them for transportation.

Source: Red Huber, Orlando Sentinel

There were a total of eleven people injured in this crash, and they were all transported to local area hospitals. The eastbound lanes of West Colonial Drive are shut down at Hiawassee, as crews work to clean up the scene. Only one lane is open traveling westbound on Colonial Drive.

If you are ever injured in a car accident, you should try to remain calm and call 911 immediately. If you are able to safely exit your car, than do so and position yourself in the safest and closest area, where the responders can easily find you. Stay put until help arrives. Once you have spoken with officials and had any injuries treated, you should then call your auto insurance company and report the accident. The sooner you start the process with your insurance company, the better.

The personal injury attorneys at The Umansky Law Firm handle car accidents that occur in Orlando and other parts of Florida.  If you have recently been involved in an auto accident in Orlando, please contact our attorneys today.

Car Crash This Morning on West Colonial Involves 11 Injured