Orlando Child Pornography Investigations

Child pornography investigations are often simpler than you might think, and only large-scale operations require complex and lengthy investigations. Law enforcement officials have the software to track who is on file-sharing sites where images of child pornography may be posted, viewed, or downloaded. Likewise, known images of child pornography have a numerical hashtag value that permits investigators to identify what IP addresses are sharing these images.

When you are under investigation for child pornography in Orlando, contact a responsible sex crimes defense attorney for assistance. You have a right to an attorney if you are questioned by the police. Anything you say to law enforcement officials during an investigation can be used against you in a later prosecution. To schedule a free and confidential consultation with us, contact our office and speak with a local child pornography defense attorney.

Child Pornography Investigation Process

The process for investigating child pornography offenses often involves the police or FBI agents logging onto websites where they believe these images are traded. When law enforcement officials have identified prohibited material in a user’s folder, they can identify and track that user’s IP address.

Once the police identify IP addresses associated with the images, administrative subpoenas are forwarded to the service provider of these IP addresses, including companies like AT&T, Spectrum, or Verizon. The subpoenas will reveal the owner of that account. Once account owners have been identified, the police will conduct a further investigation to determine the details of that account holder’s address and from there a search warrant of the home is prepared. Once a judge signs off on the warrant, law enforcement will execute it. Computer equipment can be seized and scanned, but deleting images will not permanently erase it from the hard drive and Orlando police can easily retrieve it during their child pornography investigation.

Based on the search warrant, the police will recommend charges to a prosecutor. In some cases, federal jurisdiction may apply and the FBI will take over the investigation. Child pornography offenses are felonies in Florida, so it is crucial to speak to a criminal defense lawyer as soon as possible when you are the subject of an investigation in Orlando for possessing, producing, or distributing child pornography.

Your Rights During a Child Pornography Investigation

For those who are under investigation for child pornography or related offenses, it can be overwhelming if the police come asking questions or demand to search your home. Law enforcement officials must adhere to strict protocol when it comes to criminal investigations, the execution of a search warrant, and the seizure of evidence. If you are under investigation or arrested for a child pornography offense, here is some important advice:

  • Ask for an attorney to help develop a defense strategy and do not give permission to search
  • Deleting files will not make illegal images disappear, the police can easily retrieve them through computer forensic software. Deleting evidence could lead to additional charges
  • Take steps to seek professional help, including counseling or participation in relevant programs for offenders. This can be helpful during sentencing if you are convicted

The most important thing to remember if you are approached by police or are under investigation for a child pornography offense is that you have the right to an attorney and do not need to speak with investigators. If the police have a search warrant, you should consent to the search, but remember that anything you say can be used in a prosecution.

Hire an Orlando Attorney When Faced With a Child Pornography Investigation

If you are under investigation for child pornography or think you might be, it is in your best interest to reach out to the Umansky Law team. During an investigation, anything you say or do can be used by the police to prosecute you. When you hire a legal professional, we can advise you of your legal rights throughout the process and help you develop a defense strategy if charges result from the investigation.

To learn more about what you might be able to expect in Orlando child pornography investigations, call us or fill out a contact form on this page. We offer consultations at no cost to you.

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    Orlando Child Pornography Investigations