Criminal Case Results

Burglary of dwelling and grand theft
Client was PRR and charged with F2 Burglary of a Dwelling and Grand Theft looking at a mandatory 20 year sentence. Even if the State waived PRR he still scored 32 months prison (almost 3 years). After reviewing the DNA evidence putting client at the scene of the crime, we were able to negotiate the State down to only 6 months jail or in the alternative, 2 years probation. Out of those two options, client chose the 6 months jail.
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AG + 360 days probation concurrent with MM21-848
ag + 360 days probation concurrent with MM21-848, obey injunction, no contact except for child, no return residence. Client pled because no additional sanctions; simply re-imposes same sanctions for other case, so why take the risk of a trial? VOP: VOP dismissed. Victim did a declination on the new law charge, so State ultimately couldn't go forward on the VOP and had to dismiss it, as client turned himself in on the warrant and thus the State had no other...
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Pled trespass in structure (m1) and criminal mischief (m2 ag + cts)
Pled trespass in structure (m1) and criminal mischief (m2 ag + cts) ag + 347 days probation + 17 days cts + behavioral modification class (1 day) + no contact with victim except for child visitation arrangements and communication with 6 year old child. Restitution ordered, reserve jurisdiction 90 days to set amount Good result in light of risk of burglary of a dwelling charge. VOP: VOP dismissed. Victim did a declination on the new law charge, so State ultimately...
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Alleged victim did declination on DV battery
Charges dismissed.
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Lying, victim asserted client violated probation
Lying, victim asserted client violated probation by calling him, but it was actually their mother. State spoke to witnesses and victim and violation of probation was dismissed six days after client turned himself in on the warrant at the VOP arraignment.
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Client was improperly arrested
Case dismissed! Client was improperly arrested simply because he was present when someone pulled a gun on a third party. Met with the State with the client and did a full interview of events. Charges dismissed.
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DV Case dismissed in Polk County
Will use this to resolve the alleged violations of probation in Orange.
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Client lives in SC and has a prior DUI. State agreed to give him the first time DUI minimums before obtaining out of state records and agreed to a written plea with mail in probation so client never had to come down to Florida to resolve his case. Both traffic citations dismissed.
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DUI over .15
Client was charged with DUI w/ a crash and a BAC of .226 in Polk County. State offered the mandatory minimums penalties which client accepted.
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Resisting Officer Without Violence
No Information Notice was filed 7/12/2021. Client still has DUI pending.
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    Burglary of dwelling and grand theft