Child Neglect

This was a very tragic media case. Client was arrested for leaving her children at home unsupervised while she went to the store. Her children were then taken from her by DCF. DCF placed her 6 month old baby into foster care where he was tragically killed. That woman is also being prosecuted for the death of client’s child. Client hired us after being represented by the public defender for over a year with no results. Her bond was then revoked on this case in June 2021 and she knew she needed to hire private counsel. We were retained and 3 weeks later we worked out a deal for client to be released from jail on 2 years of probation with early termination possible after 1 year. All client has to do is take a parenting class which has already been compeleted and pay a $150 fine. While client was in jail, she was housed with the woman who killed her baby. No she is finally out of custody and ready to move on from these allegations.

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    Child Neglect