
DV Battery

Case Number : 2023-MM-000110-A-W
County : Orange

Client and wife are in the middle of an ugly divorce. At a child drop-off, she announces that she’s going to search his car for her sunglasses (she’s not been in his car for months). She opens the center console and he objects as his wallet and divorce attorney paperwork are within. He moves to close the center console before she can dig through it, but she shoves her hand in there anyway, then claims that he “battered” her when the lid hit her hand and calls the police, who arrest him for DV battery. Attorney had the “no contact” order modified to conform to any divorce case decrees, then filed stand-your-ground motion to dismiss the case as he was protecting his own property. State dismissed the case “no information” when the stand-your-ground motion was set for a hearing. Wife has made additional accusations in Lake County that are still being addressed.

Date Resolved : MARCH 2022
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