Check Fraud
    Case Number : 2023CF000513C
    County : Seminole

    On March 1, 2023, client came to Florida from Atlanta with a friend for a vacation and to scout for properties. One place they went is Tampa. At the close of the trip, a guy heard they were headed through Orlando and asked for a ride in return for gas money. Third party said he’d need to swing by a bank to withdraw funds in Orlando. Client swung by an Orlando bank and third party tried cashing a stolen fraudulent check– then when arrested, claimed that client and friend “made” him cash the check . Police arrested client and friend, but also arrested third party. State put client on GPS monitoring and fought to maintain it when attorney challenged GPS monitoring. Attorney pointed out that the third party recanted at the initial appearance and that the story makes no sense– and advised what really happened, which did make sense. Judge allowed removal of GPS monitoring and client returned to Atlanta. State then dismissed the case two weeks later, effectively conceding that there was no case.

    Date Resolved : MARCH 2023
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