alcohol-related reckless driving
    Case Number : 2021-312392-MMDB
    County : Volusia

    Client stopped for running a red light in front of an officer, was so-so on field sobriety exercises and had 0.91 BAL. Apparently passenger was actually driving, but they switched seats after the stop. Unfortunately client would still be DUI in a running car, even if officers believed him. Critical that client avoid DUI and court-ordered DL suspension as client had CDL.

    State agreed to alcohol-related reckless driving, ag + ASEC (dui counter-attack school) VAP, 50 hours community service (buy out at $10/hour), $50 cost of pros, $50 cost of inv, court costs, $500 fine (added by judge), 6 months probation, may early term at 3 months, no alcohol or drugs on probation. May report by mail after the first visit. NO DL SUSPENSION ORDERED!

    Date Resolved : FEBRUARY 2022
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