Unlawful Speed 50+
Client was ticketed for driving 123mph in a 35mph zone (88 mph over the speed limit). This is normally a $1104 fine for first offenders. This could have easily been a wreckless driving scenario. After confirming with law enforcement that they had all their certifications of calibration and training, we reached an agreement to lower the fine and have the client take a class. Unfortunately, the hearing officer was not going to accept the agreement and inquired where the incident took place. The LEO informed that it was a road in between communities and ended near two schools. This alarmed the hearing officer even more. I suggested she look into our clients driving record and possibly order a school if he hadn’t already done so. Eventually, I got the fine reduced from $1104 to $500 and the client must take a 12 hour online Advance Driver Course.
This will not only save our client a lot of money but also may help him drive safer in the future.