Orlando Drowning Accident Lawyer

The World Health Organization estimates that there are around 359,000 drowning deaths every year. This number makes drowning the third-largest cause of death in the world, with around 10 deaths occurring every day. In Orlando and the rest of the state of Florida, the rate is even higher, with children under 14 being the most common victims.

Each situation is different, but if an accidental death occurs, there is a liable party. At the Umansky Law Firm, our Orlando drowning accident lawyers who handle wrongful death cases involving drowning can help families find the responsible party and receive the compensation they deserve. We understand that no amount of money can ever replace your loved one, but we believe in holding those whose negligence caused the death of another human being accountable for their actions.

Drowning Death Statistics in Florida

According to statistics provided by Florida’s state government between 2008 and 2010, approximately 1,145 people died from drowning in Florida. The same statistics show that drowning is the leading cause of death among young children Florida.

Drowning death rates are higher for children younger than four-years-old when compared with other states. Additionally, kids under the age of 14 are also much more likely to die from drowning in Florida than in any other state. If you have lost your child due to the negligence of another party, our team of drowning accident lawyers is ready to review your case.

Contributing Factors to Drowning Deaths

The tourism industry and booming population in and around Orlando, Florida work to create unique situations that contribute to the state’s particularly high rate of drownings.

Florida’s beaches, pools, and other bodies of water appeal to tourists from all over the world. Open access to water is the primary reason that so many drowning accidents occur each year. Children and infants are especially prone to drowning, as they require constant supervision in and around water.

Other hazards that reinforce the high drowning rate include:

  •   Alcohol use
  •   Not wearing a life jacket
  •   Lack of supervision
  •   Lack of barriers
  •   Inability to swim

A public swimming area that does not adhere to basic safety standards is setting themselves up for a potential disaster.

Florida Drowning Prevention Program

In 2010, the Florida Department of Health’s Injury Prevention Program launched a campaign to raise pool safety awareness called WaterproofFL. The campaign seeks to prevent drowning deaths in the state by emphasizing preventative measures. It emphasizes the importance of supervision, barriers, and preparedness for emergencies. Since its inception, Waterproof has encouraged recreational establishments to incorporate safety measures. The educational advocacy of the group even reaches individuals who own pools, encouraging families to be diligent about incorporating basic safety rules.

Duty of Care

Any person or institution who owns a pool or public water facility is required to ensure that everyone is protected in and around the water. This is known as the legal “duty of care.” Regarding pools, the sensible duty of care calls for pool owners to raise fences and other barriers to prevent drowning. There should also be safety features in and near the water in case someone accidentally falls in.

When the duty of care is breached and an individual drowns, the family of the victim has the right to obtain a personal injury attorney to seek compensation for their pain, suffering, and other expenses.

Allow Our Orlando Drowning Accident Lawyers to Help Your Family

Attorneys with the Umansky Law Firm are Orlando drowning accident lawyers who focus on drowning accidents. We offer free consultations and case evaluations. All cases are handled on a contingency basis, meaning we do not collect attorney’s fees unless we obtain compensation for you through a settlement or verdict. Call or email us a description of your case to get started.

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    Orlando Drowning Accident Lawyer