Dog Bite Laws in Orlando

This article was first published November 5th, 2012. Some of the laws may have changed since this that date.

According to an Orlando Sentinel article dated January 30, 2010, dog owners who have dogs who are labeled dangerous in Lake County have to register dogs as dangerous and pay a $500 dollar a year registration fee. In additional to that, any dog that is labeled dangerous by officials in Lake county will have to be on a leash and accompanied by an adult who can control him when the dog is outside. The dog has to wear a muzzle and wear a special tag designating the dog and its possible dangers. The owners also must have special signs saying that their dogs are dangerous. If the dog owner violates the dangerous dog ordinance, the owner may face a $1000 dollar fine and the dog may be put down. If a dog bites someone and causes severe injuries, the dog owner may face a $10,000 dollar fine.

Too many people in central Florida suffer injuries as a result of dog owners who cannot control their dangerous breeds such as American Bull dogs, pit bull, chow, among others. This ordinance is a steep penalty to pay for dog owners and it would be a good idea for all dog owners to get dog bite insurance as part of their homeowner policies.

If you or someone you love has been injured in do to someone else’s negligence please contact a personal injury lawyer at The Umansky Law Firm today for a free consultation. We have won impressive verdicts and settlements for clients injured in all types of accidents.

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    Dog Bite Laws in Orlando