Travelling with Ammunition in Orlando

Whether you are an Orlando resident planning to travel outside your local area or a visitor to the area who wants to make sure that you are legally transporting your firearms and ammunition, it is paramount to understand the regulations. While ammunition is not a danger on its own, you want to make sure that you are not missing anything that will lead to a firearm charge. If you want to travel with ammunition in Orlando, there are several things to keep in mind.

State’s Gun Laws

Currently, Florida does not require a permit for an individual to carry concealed in the state. However, you cannot carry a firearm in a school or police station without a permit.

The state also has a “Stand Your Ground” law on the books that allows individuals to use force, including deadly force, in a self-defense scenario that requires it. However, keep in mind that use of a gun, including non-deadly force, when it is not required, can lead to criminal charges.

Carrying and Transporting Ammunition in Orlando’s Theme Parks

While Florida does not have laws against carrying and transporting ammunition, the major Orlando theme parks have their own requirements. Visitors are not allowed to carry firearms or ammunition inside the theme parks, and are usually required to walk through metal detectors before entering. Anyone caught with a firearm or ammunition in the parks will generally be escorted out.

Transporting Firearms and Ammunition Across State Lines

Once you leave Florida, you will need to adhere to the gun laws in the state you have entered. Georgia has not required a license to carry a firearm since 2022. If you travel to other states, including Virginia or North Carolina, on the other hand, you may need a permit in order to carry your firearm and ammunition. Obtaining a firearm permit may make it easier for you to travel outside Florida with your firearm and ammunition.

Traveling by Plane with Ammunition

Whether you are flying into or out of Orlando, make sure you are familiar with the TSA’s requirements for transporting ammunition.

  • You cannot carry ammunition in your carry-on luggage.
  • You cannot transport ammunition in your firearm.
  • You must transport ammunition according to specific guidelines, including the type of packaging; always consult airline requirements before planning to travel with your firearm.
  • You must declare the ammunition to the TSA when checking your luggage.
  • Your airline may have specific requirements for how much ammunition you can travel with.

You should also pay attention to TSA regulations for transporting your firearm, since they may determine what type of weapon you can travel with and how you have to declare it.

Safely Transporting Ammunition in Orlando

Under the Firearm Owners’ Protection Act, as long as you are transporting ammunition legally and for lawful purposes, you can have it in your vehicle–even if you need to cross state lines. While Florida does not have specific requirements regarding how much ammunition you can travel with, there are several safety precautions to keep in mind.

  • Keep your ammunition in a cool, dry location to protect its longevity. Both moisture and heat can prove detrimental to ammunition over time.
  • Make sure your firearm is under your control at all times. This is particularly essential if you have ammunition for that firearm in your vehicle.
  • If you are stopped, be prepared to calmly let the officer know that you are carrying firearms and ammunition.

If you will be transporting your ammunition outside of Orlando, especially if you will be traveling to another state, make sure you research local firearm and ammunition transportation requirements to get a better idea of how to secure your ammunition, including whether it needs to be stored separately from your firearm.

Transport Your Firearms and Ammunition Legally in Orlando

The legal transportation of firearms and ammunition helps keep Orlando safer for everyone. While Florida allows permitless carry, if you will be traveling to other areas, make sure you do your research to stay in line with the law. Please call our criminal defense lawyers if you run into trouble with the law when transporting ammunition.

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    Travelling with Ammunition in Orlando