Port St. John Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer

Abuse against the elderly and vulnerable is among the most egregious forms of negligent conduct. If you or a loved one has been mistreated while in the care of an assisted living facility, you may be eligible to file a personal injury claim. A Port St. John nursing home abuse lawyer could help you navigate this difficult time while safeguarding your legal interests at every stage of your case.

A compassionate personal injury attorney with The Umansky Law Firm could investigate all claims of nursing home abuse, gather evidence, and enlist the help of qualified medical experts. More than anything, they could seek fair compensation from the liable parties for the harm you or your loved one endured. Call our office today to learn more about how we could help with your situation.

Common Signs of Nursing Home Abuse

Nursing home residents have a considerable list of rights that facilities and staff must observe to prevent breaching their legal duties under state law. For example, residents have the right to have visitors, access medical or legal counsel, be afforded the right to privacy, and make decisions concerning their healthcare.

Abuse or neglect can occur when a resident’s rights are violated either by the facility’s action or inaction. The signs of nursing home abuse or neglect can vary significantly and could be financial, emotional, physical, or sexual.

Common indicators of nursing home abuse include the following:

  • Bedsores
  • Malnourishment and dehydration
  • Infections that turn into sepsis
  • Unexplained injuries (e.g. cuts, bruises, broken bones, fractures)
  • Behavioral changes

While these are typical signs of abuse, warnings can be more nuanced. For instance, a nursing home resident who is being subjected to emotional abuse may become more withdrawn, confused, or hesitant to participate in social gatherings at the facility.

Similarly, someone who is being mistreated financially may make seemingly uncharacteristic decisions about money, fall for scams, or make sudden changes to financial accounts.

A facility or its staff’s failure to administer required medications, provide regular meals, or ensure proper hygiene and infection control can cause serious harm to a resident. Not correctly monitoring patients and their mobility needs can also lead to injuries. Our Port St. John attorneys could thoroughly examine misconduct allegations to determine whether you have grounds to file a nursing home abuse claim.

Filing a Nursing Home Abuse Lawsuit

Multiple parties could be liable in a nursing home abuse lawsuit, such as the facility, caretakers, aides, and administrators. Lack of training, negligent hiring procedures, insufficient implementation of policies, and understaffing are just a few issues at the root of many nursing home abuse and neglect cases.

A lawyer in Port St. John could develop an effective legal strategy to demonstrate liability for yours or your loved one’s nursing home abuse injury. Numerous forms of damages may be available to the plaintiff in a nursing home abuse lawsuit.

Types of Compensation

Compensation can include economic and non-economic damages, as well as punitive damages in some cases. Economic damages involve compensation for tangible expenses like medical bills, rehabilitation costs, and other financial losses related to the plaintiff’s injuries. Non-economic damages are more subjective losses, including a person’s pain and suffering, emotional trauma, and psychological anguish.

Punitive damages are not included in all nursing home abuse settlements. However, they can be a part of cases involving egregious or intentional wrongdoing, such as when a nursing home facility acts with malicious disregard for residents’ safety.

Get in Touch With a Port St. John Nursing Home Abuse Attorney Today

Nursing home facilities and their staff must be held accountable for instances of abuse or neglect. If you or your loved one has suffered harm at the hands of an assisted living facility, you may be entitled to seek a wide range of monetary compensation. A Port St. John nursing home abuse lawyer could fight for justice in your situation and handle all the legal complexities of your case.

Our knowledgeable team at The Umansky Law Firm could help ensure that you meet important deadlines while advocating on your behalf when dealing with the facility, insurance company, and other parties involved. Contact our office today to speak with a diligent attorney about your potential case and to determine your best legal options.

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    Port St. John Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer