Oviedo Criminal Defense Lawyer

Crimes like murder, rape, and robbery are violent criminal offenses, but many others are just as severe and don’t require any physical contact with the victim. Formally referred to as cybercrimes, this illegal activity commonly manifests itself as identity theft, fraud, scams, and many other digitally-based crimes. Many people often see these crimes as harmless seeing as no one is physically hurt, but the financial damage can be tremendous and unrecoverable.

Oviedo law enforcement is aware of the growing threat and will not hesitate to make an example out of whoever they expect to be guilty of this crime. As an individual facing such criminal charges, it is in your best interests to speak with an experienced criminal defense attorney as soon as possible. The criminal defense lawyers at The Umansky Law Firm are well-versed in the vast areas of criminal law and will do everything in their power to help you achieve a favorable conclusion. We host a diverse cast of attorneys with experience as prosecutors on the state and local level. The can use their insight on how the other side operates to help free you from the grips of the legal system. Reach out to an Oviedo criminal defense lawyer today to discuss your legal options.

Common Criminal Offenses in Oviedo

Any act that violates a specified law is a criminal offense. Whether it be against another individual or their property, being convicted of one can warrant severe consequences. Some of the most commonly committed crimes include:

  • Domestic abuse
  • Sex crimes
  • Theft
  • Fraud
  • Violation of probation
  • Assault
  • Battery
  • Cybercrime
  • DUI
  • Drug Offenses

The severity of your sentence is determined by your criminal history, the number of counts for a specified charge, and can be influenced by previous rulings. Those who are not proactive in their search for credible legal representation run the risk of receiving an unfavorable judicial decision. This is why it is crucial that you take the appropriate actions in the days that follow your arrest.

Immediate Actions After an Oviedo Arrest

Many people often fail to recognize the severity of a crime until it is too late. They acquire the funds for bail and allow time to pass while ignoring the fact that they will soon face a judge who will present charges. By the time the plea hearing comes around, they are often left scrambling to find an attorney willing to take their case. You may think such actions are acceptable, but you are only handicapping yourself.

Selecting an attorney is not something that should happen on a whim or result from a quick Google search. You should take the time to meet with your prospective lawyer before investing in their services. Not only does this allow you to establish a relationship from early on, but it also gives your attorney time to analyze case details, do the necessary research, and construct a solid defense. If you wish to have a favorable ruling, you will waste no time securing aggressive legal representation.

Our Oviedo Criminal Defense Attorneys Are Here to Help!

The Oviedo criminal defense lawyers at The Umansky Law Firm can provide your case with the legal attention it deserves and help fight for your freedom. Everyone deserves a second chance. Get yours when you contact us today for a free case evaluation.

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    Oviedo Criminal Defense Lawyer