Criminal Case Results

client provided proof that he’d finished the drug eval and classes
client provided proof that he'd finished the drug eval and classes. State saw it via TV screen. Court dismissed VOP and terminated probation on State's recommendation.
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Client was out of the hospital and made it to court for the plea
Client was out of the hospital and made it to court for the plea. Had ten days jail with credit for 2 days time served. Plea was essentially 2xDUI mins . 5 yr DL suspension, no acs hours (got the State to delete them) fine, 30 day impound (but no car) COI, cost of prosecution, DUICAS (level 2), VIP, no alcohol, random urinalysis and breath.
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Went to stand-your-ground hearing
Went to stand-your-ground hearing. ASA had not read the motoin or ever looked at the evidence; he saw the video and read the motion and facebook post... I spoke with him, he nol prosequi the case rather than proceed. Kyle Trowdowski was present virtually, but Lori West (critical witness) was NOT. Happy to have the win, though. Client very happy.
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Prevailed at hearing
Prevailed at hearing; the petitioner (Johnny Walker) dropped the case because there was no need for an injunction with all of Tammy Walker's stuff out of the house. Client Tammy Walker is still angry that Johnny Walker choked her (NF case number with the State in Osceola, dropped because letters to Tammy Walker went to Johnny Walker's house and she didn't know about it, State probably found "no contact" and dropped). Talked to client about getting injunction in Lake if...
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Client pled to misdemeanor stalking
Client pled to misdemeanor stalking, w/h + 1 year probation + mental health evaluation (already completed) and contact regarding children only through family law court.. All felony charges and sexual charges dismissed.
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Forced case into a hearing on risk protection
Forced case into a hearing on risk protection order and had witnesses to testify it was self defense. Polk County Sheriff's Office tried calling criminal co-defendants who invoked the 5th (as they were shooting at my client). Related criminal case was filed same day the RPO was dismissed. Stand-Your-Ground filed in criminal case already.
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Community control followed by 3 years probation
ag + 9 months community control followed by 3 years probation. May early term at 22.5 months. Drug testing, drug eval and treatment, 6 month DL suspension. Good result on possession case, as client scored 35 months prison. Client declined alternative offer of 300 days jail.
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VOP dismissed
VOP dismissed. Pointed out to State that the basis for the VOP was dismissed by the State, so VOP should be as well.
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Pled trespass in structure
Pled trespass in structure (m1) and criminal mischief (m2 ag + cts) ag + 347 days probation + 17 days cts + behavioral modification class (1 day) + no contact with victim except for child visitation arrangements and communication with 6 year old child. Restitution ordered, reserve jurisdiction 90 days to set amount Good result in light of risk of burglary of a dwelling charge.
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State finally evaluated the case from a trial standpoint
State finally evaluated the case from a trial standpoint (case was set for trial in a few days) and State finally realized that they couldn't prove the case beyond a reasonable doubt. Child who was "threatened" told the police he never saw a weapon (and probably wouldn't testify anyway), father (who claimed to see weapon) was a convicted felon, chased down and attacked client and held him for the police and lo, there was no weapon. Nol Pros (case dismissed).
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    client provided proof that he’d finished the drug eval and classes