reinstate probation on Aggravated Assault
    Case Number : 2020-CF-007990-A-O
    County : Orange

    On March 11, 2023 client made a wrong turn into oncoming traffic (driving himself home from friend’s house when friend wouldn’t give him a ride) and was arrested by law enforcement for driving on suspended license. This violated client’s probation on Aggravated Assault and client now scored a few years prison, which State wanted to give him. Attorney pled client to new-law charge of DWLS, then brought before the State on the violation of probation and told the truth about what happened leading to the violation of probation. State was so surprised that State agreed to reinstate client to probation with credit for the 68 days he’d spent in jail on the VOP instead of 2 years prison. Judge concurred with sentence and found client NOT a threat to the community, despite being “violent felony offender of special concern.” Probation reinstated with a total of 157 days time served (90 days on the original sentence for Aggravated Assault with a Firearm after a trial).

    Date Resolved : MAY 2023
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