Charges Dropped in Spousal Dispute
    Case Number : 2022-MM-014395-AXXX-XX
    County : Brevard

    On 2/5/22, our client and his wife argued after his wife dumped multiple beers on his head. Our client went to the bedroom and his wife broke down the door to “get her phone” because she was afraid of him, then claimed he choked her when she broke down the door. Our client simply pushed her from the room and closed the door. Police arrested our client… violating diversion on a felony case. At a motion to dismiss for self-defense, the wife and neighbor added new claims that our client had pushed her in the garage and beat her up in the driveway, so the judge denied the motion. The wife then decided she wanted the case dropped after all (it would have been a trial) and contacted an attorney. The State eventually dropped the case.

    Date Resolved : August 2022
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