    Case Number : 35-2023-MM-001596-AXXX-XX
    County : Lake

    On March 11, 2023, girlfriend claimed that she flushed client’s cocaine and that he beat her up for it then threw her out of the house. What ACTUALLY happened is that client flushed HER cocaine and she freaked out and attacked him, and he pushed her out of the house and locked the door behind her to stop her from continuing to attack him. Client charged with DV battery. Attorney filed a stand-your-ground motion with the actual facts and supplied proof that victim kept sending him porn videos of herself after he supposedly attacked her. Victim then didn’t want to go forward and asked state to dismiss case (which they did) despite having previously signed a declination, which the girlfriend then recanted and claimed she didn’t understand. Regardless, case dismissed by State rather than do a stand-your-ground hearing.

    Date Resolved : MAY 2023
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