Federal Violation Notices in Melbourne

Even though Cape Canaveral Space Force Station and Patrick Space Force Base are both located in Florida, they are considered federal property and therefore governed by federal law when it comes to minor criminal offenses committed there. If you are accused of committing any misdemeanor or infraction while on these bases or on any other federal property around central Florida, you will likely receive a federal violation notice.

Federal violation notices in Melbourne can be handled in a way that minimizes your risk of facing long-term repercussions. However, doing so without guidance from qualified legal counsel can be extremely difficult. By working closely with a knowledgeable federal criminal defense attorney, you could enforce your rights more effectively and protect your best interests when navigating this complicated legal process.

What Options Are There for Resolving Federal Violation Notices?

Federal violation notices may be issued when someone commits a misdemeanor-level violation of federal law while on federal land. This also applies to a misdemeanor offense under Florida law without an equivalent under federal law. Depending on the alleged offense, the notice may simply indicate that the recipient must appear in federal court at a particular date or time. It might also specify a fine that, if paid, would close the case without a trial. It is worth noting that paying the fine listed on a Melbourne federal violation notice functions as an admission of guilt and a criminal conviction. This means it would appear in public records and in records maintained by the Central Violation Bureau.

For less severe offenses, it is sometimes possible to resolve the matter by negotiating for administrative penalties rather than a trial before a U.S. Magistrate Judge. This type of “non-reporting resolution” generally means the offense will not be reported to any federal or state agencies and will not be considered a criminal conviction, and the matter will generally be settled with the payment of a fine.

A “reporting resolution,” on the other hand, entails going to trial before a magistrate judge and either pleading guilty or potentially being adjudicated as guilty. For more severe offenses, the trial could go before a District Court Judge upon request. A qualified attorney could discuss what approach might be best for your particular situation during a private consultation.

Potential Sanctions from a Federal Violation Notice

The maximum sanctions that a magistrate or District Court Judge may pass down to someone who pleads or is adjudicated guilty based on a federal violation notice in Melbourne will vary based on the offense’s classification. The sanctions are detailed below:

  • Infraction – $5,000 fine, five days in jail, and/or one year of probation
  • Class C misdemeanor – $5,000 fine, 60 days in jail, and/or five years of probation
  • Class B misdemeanor – $5,000 fine, six months in jail, and/or five years of probation
  • Class A misdemeanor – $100,000 fine, one year in jail, and/or five years of probation

Certain offenses may also result in state-level license penalties enforced by the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles. For example, DUI convictions can be punishable by mandatory license suspensions.

Contact a Melbourne Attorney for Help Handling a Federal Violation Notice

While they can look similar to traffic tickets at first, federal violation notices are often much more serious and require a more comprehensive defense strategy in order to properly resolve it. Guidance from The Umansky Law Firm can be vital to getting through this process efficiently and to mitigating the penalties your case might result in.

One of our lawyers could talk about your options regarding a federal violation notice in Melbourne during a confidential consultation. Call today to schedule yours.

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    Federal Violation Notices in Melbourne