Lawyer Introductions – Brice Aikens

Speaker 1 (00:01):

This is Bill Umansky. I’m a lawyer and the owner of the Umansky law firm thrown out of three schools from a broken home. I felt lost and powerless without direction. One day, someone gave me a second chance of life, created this podcast to provide you information to help you find your second chance. It’s a bill. You man. It’s get it all, man. Our second episode of the humanity law firm podcast and with my cohost Jeff Elhoffer, Hey Jeff, what’s up. Today, we’re going to bring on in our series of introducing the lawyers that work here and work with us Brice Aikins. And so today we’re going to talk a little bit about Brice and why I became a lawyer. Hey Brice. Good afternoon, man. What’s going on? Not much. So Bryce, how long have you been working here? Do you Umansky law firm

Speaker 2 (00:55):

And we are going on a five years. Sorry. About September, 2015. So yeah, September this year should be five years fun. Half a decade. Wow. That’s half a decade, man. He seems so happy about it. Oh no, I got good and gain time. So it doesn’t feel like spill. It’s about three and a half.

Speaker 1 (01:13):

So Brice I know a little bit about you before our guests and for people that may want to hire you to tell, tell us what you primarily practice in right now.

Speaker 2 (01:26):

Primarily I handle more of the serious offenses. If you looking at, you know, a murder charge, manslaughter charge the, a more serious sex offenses, sexual assault child pornography, those sorts of crimes. So that’s kind of a, you know,

Speaker 1 (01:44):

It’s not like a lot of people go to law school and they say, well, I want to represent a serious crimes or sex offenders or people that are allegedly accused of child pornography or gangsters, or what, what is it, what is it that drove you into that particular subset of what we call criminal law

Speaker 2 (02:05):

As when I was in law school my first year it was one of the groups that I joined and they actually had a a movie night I guess that was in one of the one of the classrooms at Florida state go nose. And what the documentary was, was called murder on a Sunday morning, I believe. And it was following the defense of our 15, 16 year old kid in Jacksonville who was accused of murdering a tourist. And they followed the journey from when he was arrested, investigating the case, and then ultimately the trial when he was acquitted and kind can find out that he was represented by two public defenders in that case. And that kind of peaked my interest. And then during my time, when I was at, Portside had the opportunity to intern at the public defender’s office here in Orlando, and that ended being my first job out of law school.

Speaker 1 (03:01):

So what was it you know, I feel like you had a, kind of a personal connection as far as your your experience in law. And I’d like to talk about that a little bit. Tell, tell us, kind of tell our listeners where you grew up and a little bit about your childhood.

Speaker 2 (03:22):

Sure. I was born and raised in Tallahassee, Florida. The capital of the the great sunshine state fourth of five siblings. You know, my mom’s school teacher my dad he was an attorney. He was a lawyer. He went to Florida state as well. You know, growing up he, he had a private practice, but I was like before I was born when I was real young, so I don’t really remember much of it, but when I was growing up and he was primarily general counsel of several state agencies along with being jagged in the army towards my, and in my high school career, he ended up getting appointed judge and subsequent ran. And so he’s been on the bench ever since. So that was part of it, but that really wasn’t the reason would actually got me into law school.

Speaker 2 (04:13):

When I left home, when the UCF I was intended on going to business, you usually have to have one of the best business schools. And I wanted to be a part of the banking industry, and they actually had a couple of jobs in the mortgage industry while I was at UCF. And it was during that time, I just kind of felt that law was more sorry, that was not God’s. And I was doing something wrong with it. That was bill, sorry. But it was, you know, it was at the time working in the mortgage and I realized that it wasn’t really my passion for it, but maybe more so law would be. And

Speaker 1 (04:48):

Let me, let me, let me take you back to your childhood. That’s kind of interesting. So your dad had his own private practice, but you were too young to remember that. I was, yeah. So, so what kind of law did he practice? Do you know?

Speaker 2 (05:00):

Oh, you mean like in the, you know, the time when I was, you know, mid, late seventies, early eighties, it was, you know, a wide range of stuff. You know, they deal with, you know, small represent small businesses personal injury wills and trust, that sort of thing. Criminal defense at all he, his law partner did some of it. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (05:20):

So then, then he got out of doing that and went into representing agencies and he also did Jack core stuff. Was that also before, or did you Jack core before you open this practice?

Speaker 2 (05:31):

It was an app and it was during the time and the same as all during the same process, same time period. Then continue to do that. I remember that, you know, growing up and then he was all interesting , and general counsel of a bunch of state agencies when I was in grade school.

Speaker 1 (05:47):

Well, that’s pretty, that’s pretty cool. So he became a judge. How old were you when he became a judge?

Speaker 2 (05:53):

It was something a senior. I was like 17, 18, something like that. And did

Speaker 1 (05:58):

Did he run for judge or was he appointed

Speaker 2 (06:00):

You, you initially ran the years, a couple years before that and was appointed by governor chiles. And then ran after that.

Speaker 1 (06:13):

So when you were back 17, 18, honestly, like, did you have any concept of what, since you didn’t want to be a lawyer? Like what a judge did or did you have any, I mean, what was your feelings back when you were like graduating high school and your dad became a first judge? Did you see him on the bench? Did you get any opportunity to see him do any of his stuff?

Speaker 2 (06:32):

I did have a chance to go in and sit in some of the court sessions. One of the things that I know I was last year lost the high school rather was when he came in and spoke to us, you know, I guess you can call it the career day and you know, various up, you know, people from students parents came in and told the class what they did and, you know, he came in and spoke to my class as far as that goes. So I remember that that I didn’t always make it a point to go up to the courthouse and I was 17 and didn’t watch most of us. Didn’t. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (07:07):

So so some business took you down to UCF. Tell us a little bit, you told us about you got into the mortgage industry a little bit, but tell us a little bit about your experience at UCF. You know, just, just tell us a little bit about what you did there and, you know,

Speaker 2 (07:25):

No, it was a great you know, experienced you know, being at UCF the four years. I came in, like I said, a business major yeah, when I was about a year that lasted then moved over to political science. And then when I was political science major at one of my academic advisors, told me about, they had a legal studies program and I you know, took a couple of classes in that and then ended up changing my major. And then I, and then that’s what kind of moved me towards law school. A couple of stories that stand out when I was at UCF, my junior senior year Bob Wesley, who was at that time running to be the public defender here in Orlando, came and spoke to some UCF students, you know, get out and vote kind of thing. And I remember talking to him then, and, and he actually went to law school at Florida state Tuesday. He was saying, well, you know keep me in mind, keep in mind. He ended up winning. And then the following summer, I actually did an internship at the public defender’s office as a, as a UCF student. So I guess I’m kind of exposed to that before I even went to law school. Mostly,

Speaker 1 (08:38):

Was it a good trial or did you ever see him in court?

Speaker 2 (08:41):

I have, yeah. I have seen him in court you know, during my time and I was at the public defender’s office, you know, when I was still debating about whether I wanted to actually go to law school during my couple of years actually had the chance to volunteer and work with the UCF football team and in the recruiting office. So I was working with some of the assistant coaches looking at film and looking at people, we were recruiting, trying to sell UCF to them. Then it was a lot harder then than it is now, obviously, cause we weren’t as huge, but didn’t have an on campus stadium. Did you play football? Not in college, but in high school. Yeah. Yeah. What position you play? Wide receiver. Yeah. So you know, I felt like, you know what, maybe I can get into coaching this way.

Speaker 2 (09:27):

And I had a good relationship with some of the assistant coaches on the staff. One of the independent newspapers, I used to write up the articles about the season and going into preview and the next season. And after one year I did one of the coaches ad, you know, he said that if you want to be a graduate assistant, yeah, we can, we can do that and make that happen. You just go to grad school and thought about it, thought about it, thought about it, but you stepped in to have a law school and still don’t have a law school. And so at that same time, I got to accept it in Florida state for law school. And so it kind of moving that way. So when I was at UCF for that law school, I wouldn’t be sitting there now.

Speaker 1 (10:08):

So I guess what I’m trying to, what was interesting to me is that you were in the mortgage industry and it didn’t doesn’t appear that your dad really had, or the background of your dad being a lawyer, had something to do with it. So what you talked briefly about the experience, what really was the switch? Like why did you just say, I want to go to FSU, go to law school, you know, give up the coaching thing, give up the mortgage industry and just be a lawyer.

Speaker 2 (10:36):

It was you know, after I really got into the the legal studies program and, you know, we had criminal procedure that civil procedure, class and real estate, and you can see the different areas and impact that the law touches and you can see it up close and personal way. That kind of was the decision that I kind of made it, like maybe, you know, more focused on that. I always said that, you know, being a lawyer is just like being a coach. You may, you’ve worked 12, 14 hours a days and you can’t get too high on the winds. Can’t get too low on the load. So you got to still prepare for the next game. And I think it’s the same way. When you deal with handling the cases, especially the magnitude of cases that I deal with. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (11:19):

Yeah. You know, that’s interesting because in the five years or the half decade you’ve been here, you’re, you’re somehow able to handle your stress. And I probably feel like it’s that part attributing to, there’s not too many highs, too many lows with keeping steady as you go.

Speaker 2 (11:33):

Exactly. Exactly. You got to have a you know, what to say is, you know, move on to the next, play a game dwell on the last play, better, get ready for the next one.

Speaker 1 (11:44):

When you were at the public defender’s office, you got to try a lot of cases there is that right? Yes. Tell me what kind of cases you try. Primarily. I tried

Speaker 2 (11:54):

From a violin and injunction resisting officer without violence when the first couple of trials that I had, and that was in County court to a kidnapping case, a homicide murder case or screen murder case. And this is, this is the orange County, orange County trafficking, drug, drug trafficking and you know, capital sexual battery. And I ran the full gamut when I was at PDs office. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (12:27):

Yeah. And you got moved up to felony quickly and I think you became a supervisor over there. Can you tell us a little bit about your experience as a supervisor there?

Speaker 2 (12:36):

Absolutely. I was one of the best experiences I had at the, at the public defender’s office was when I was the manager for the County court for two years 2013, 2014. And so I manage roughly about 25, 26. Laura’s adjust had passed the bar exam many were fresh out of law school. And and so I assigned them to the various judges in, down in downtown Orlando and yeah, the monitor and supervisor and, you know, the, the more rewarding thing for me now is I see a lot of them. So I’m gonna still get bumped up into his office doing great work. A lot of them went into civil. I know when the criminal, a lot of them open up their own practice, but all of them were still even better lawyers and human grade lawyers. And when I first came into contact with them back then, so I like to think I had a part in that and their growth as being, not only good people, but good lawyers.

Speaker 1 (13:38):

So I I’m sure that one of the lessons you taught them was keeping things steady, go onto the next play. Right. Yes. So what would be the other two, I mean, or three things that you feel like you would impart upon each of these young guys and girls when they were starting out? Cause I know how impressionable they are. I remember my accounting court supervisor, I’ll never forget her. And you can share that with you. There’s a lot of people that think so highly of your Bryce. So what were the top three things you think other than keeping a steady, steady ship, you know, keep your emotions in check. Would you, would you say that you imparted upon these young people?

Speaker 2 (14:19):

Well, I like to think that I tell them, you know, go in as an approach with you don’t have to have, you know, scorch the earth. You know what I mean by that everyone’s not your enemy. You want to advocate for your client you know, to the fullest of your ability. You know what I mean, not being a pushover, not laying down, not wanting to, you know, being afraid to make waves, but in doing that, you don’t have, and you can, you advocate without making it, you know, completely about yourself and then can everyone in the courtroom is against you. Even though there may be opposing counsel that, I mean, they’re against you and you just have to, you know, advocate your side and how you bring about highlight of your case. So wherever you want to try to mitigate your case, you can do that in a, in a more civil way as possible. So and especially young lawyers that said, you know, your reputation is what you’re going to have. It’s a lifetime to establish it takes one, one act in a ruin. So then that’s what I wanted to really impart upon.

Speaker 1 (15:28):

Yeah. I think a lot of the people that you taught that I know kind of have that personality, of course, there’s always one or two that they’re great. And I wonder, you know, but they don’t, it’s not only that they scorcher or it’s, I think it’s also the ego that seems to get in a way it’s a tricky line between being confident to advocate for your clients position, have self esteem to put up with prosecutors or defense lawyers or judges that are nasty, but you also can’t make it all about yourself. So that’s kind of interesting. Sometimes you can’t teach that though. Sometimes that’s grown up in a family that will teach you some values, but that’s a great lesson that you cause that’s a lifelong lesson as a lawyer, I think that you learn to advocate without without scorching the earth. Do you, you’ve had a lot of friends in the PDs office. Are there other prosecutors that you became friends with over the years just by the fact that you litigated against them?

Speaker 2 (16:26):

Yeah. so some that I’ve speak to on a, on a regular basis. Even a lot of them, I came out of law school with, you know, when we came in you know, the PDs office, it was a group of us that came from FSU, but also a group of us from after shoot also went to the state attorney’s office. So I already had that relationship going in. You know, despite that, that I knew them from law school, they didn’t give me anything. You know, they, you know, try the cases are number. They, you know, Lindsay gurgley, they used to work here. We actually tried that. She was we tried a case against each other, a couple of cases against each other when she was the state attorney’s office. I mean, I was at PDFs. So and even those that I met coming along the way I’ve had relationships with, and that was been very meaningful and still speak today.

Speaker 1 (17:22):

So talk to us about the transition from public defender to a private lawyer, because I think there’s a I think there’s just a bad rap for public defenders and just like, they’re good prosecutors and bad prosecutors prepare prosecutors, not so prepared. And we all know who, the ones that are good and who are the ones that just it in same with public defenders, they’re just, there may be overworked and underpaid, but there were still others that would work harder than, than the average. And we’re there to help their clients or their to develop their career or a combination of both. So what’s the difference. One big difference between you know, other than getting paid between being a public defender and a private criminal defense attorney.

Speaker 2 (18:13):

I think if you take the monetary aspect out of it, the, the obvious one is you, and you’re gonna be in different environments a daily, if not a weekly basis if you had the public defender’s office, you’re assigned to a specific judge. And so you have specific prosecutors that you deal with and you deal with them on a daily basis. So, you know, after maybe the first week or so, but you can get the judges nuances, you know, how to approach this prosecutor this way versus that way. If you’re in private practice and you get a case in this County and another nail the County, and you’ve never been either one of those counties then everything’s trial and error. So it’s going to, that takes a little bit more time to understand the personalities that you’re dealing with alternate on the bandwagon from opposing counsel.

Speaker 2 (19:07):

But aside from that, I didn’t think it was that in how you manage the time and doing that because you spend a lot of time traveling which enough, and if you’re prepared and you’re prepared and I think having that foundation allowed it was a, it was a lot easier for me paneling cases in, in different in different jurisdictions and being in private practice versus you know, just being, you know, in front of one judge, one prosecutor. The other thing I think obviously is the you don’t, and I don’t say this in your, just not every case, but being at the public defender’s office, you don’t really have you didn’t, I didn’t have a lot of cases support clients didn’t have a lot of support from, you know their family or their community. And I don’t say that in every case, because there was a lot of cases where I did have a lot of family support that helped us, you know, do the cases in private practice. You have that in it’s probably because they see it as it, you know, they’re investing in their value resources in an attorney. And so they want to do as much as they can to support their friend, relative family member, spouse, a child, whoever it may be. And you can have the more impact of getting everyone involved at an earlier stage than versus abundance office. We’d get the case just when we were appointed. So we kind of know we’re limited in what we can do until the turn time period

Speaker 1 (20:40):

To go off of that Bryce you know, you’ve, you seem like you’re pretty passionate about having an impact on others. And I, I think I saw when I first came on board to Umansky on your, your website profile, I think you started a, you started some kind of, what was it an association or,

Speaker 2 (21:02):

You know, it was a what was that? No, it was, it was, it was a, it was a foundation, a nonprofit that was named after my great grandmother many Aikens you as a long time school teacher, the educator, and actually, you know, have photos with her. She died when I was like eight or nine years old. But I spoke with no it’s really hard to have that me and my niece came up with and just kind of create something to give back to rural kids from where she taught at and rural North Florida kids going into college and try to give them something, some monetary assistance to kind of start out. And so we’ve still been going since 2013.

Speaker 1 (21:48):

Do you ever think about expanding it down here? We

Speaker 2 (21:53):

Trying to keep it regional and can just you know, is real specific to that, to the big bend area is what we call it up near there, but you know, it we’ll, we’ll see how it goes or not closed off to do it anything, but, you know, my main focus was having impact on that community where the way it’s created that,

Speaker 1 (22:14):

You know, we might be able to get scholarships to them as well. A couple occasionally mean mainly we’re doing central Florida, but I don’t see why the need once they get out of this office. And we’re able to kind of move beyond the four walls of this office to start raising more money. So that’s interesting for the second chance foundation I’d like to talk a little bit about which we didn’t talk about is board certification. So I know Bob Wesley encouraged a lot of his public defenders to become board certified. Why did you take the board certified exam? And tell us a little bit about that.

Speaker 2 (22:52):

Well, that was one of the goals that I had set when I was at the PDs that I want to become board certified and, you know, working towards that, cause you have to be a licensed attorney for a certain amount of years, five years before you even sit for the exam. So, you know, I really put it on my radar once I got into new circuit court and started practicing you know, handling felony cases like my second and a half year that this was what I want to do when I’m able to you know, able to take the test and, you know, Bob definitely encouraged it. He encouraged you know, all his attorneys that’s been there, the requisite amount of time at a requisite number of trials to pursue that. And, you know, at that point in time at, you know, when I checked, when I took the exam back in 2012, you know, in this, I know at least in Orlando, I didn’t see know maybe had been one other black attorney that was board certified.

Speaker 2 (23:51):

Probably under 10, I think, statewide at that time. And so you know, took the test in 2012 you know, we’ll be path passed and I’ve been certified ever since, and just got my recertification and think of the year, year or so ago. So it’s one of those things that, you know, you know, you stand out, it stands out from the marketing standpoint, but I think it goes to how much dedication you is you know, it takes and drive to get to that level, that whole preparation. Absolutely. It’s almost taken as it was taken another bar exam. And you know, I had to take a week off just to study for it. And you know, we went down to Tampa again, just having took the bar exam and Tampa and sat in a cramped up hotel and, and wrote it out recently.

Speaker 1 (24:42):

And you had the opportunity, I think, to get into some leadership positions. I think that the Florida bar can you, can you talk to our listeners about that and what that means to you? And

Speaker 2 (24:55):

Absolutely it was a flood world leadership Academy. It was a concept that was created or had the inception was up in Florida by a past president of Eugene pedis. It was his brain child to develop a Academy or a fellows of diverse members of the bar in various practice areas. Mary his years is being admitted to the bar to commit to a year long fellowship and to, you know, not only learn leadership skills, but also, you know, practice moving forward and having an impact on the bar as a whole. And I was in the fifth class, I think what’s Tulsa graduate in June this year. And the Barca mentioned if they have it, I think it would be class number seven or eight. But it’s still going on. It was one of the best things I’ve been part of as being a lawyer. And yeah, I was in class five and it was a, it was a real good experience. We had a chance to we met across the state, then we got a chance to go to Tallahassee in January and well session legislative sessions in session and have a chance to is the court. And it was a good day.

Speaker 1 (26:23):

Don’t give me any other leadership positions that you’d like to get into or community activism, work or politics, if any desire to do any of that,

Speaker 2 (26:32):

You know? Yeah, I never, it’s not nothing that I’m setting out to do. Obviously I’m still looking at various positions within the bar. I have have served on the CFA CDL board for about three or four years in a row. Central Florida association of criminal defense lawyers here in Orlando. Yeah, yeah. Not that serves my rotary club president a couple of years ago amongst the, on the board and I was a secretary, so I got a lot on my plate right now. You know, but I’m never saying no to anything. I just say I devaluated nip at times. Right. in a time, you know, then I’ll take a look at it cause I’m not really interested in being bench members. And just being on the role if I’m gonna do some on to have, you know, make it worth my time. So we’ll see, you can give back, I think can impact people, which is what Jeff was saying, and she’s saying enough. So it’s kinda like just showing up is kinda, yeah. Yeah. So

Speaker 3 (27:32):

Yeah, I mean, I, I think I think we can talk a little bit more about you know, Bryce, it seems like you have a lot of passion for impact. You’re involved in a lot of associations. You have a foundation, you know, you want to become a lawyer to help others. I mean, I think that’s something we can definitely hone in on and talk for at least a couple more minutes about like, what, what, what drives you for that? You know,

Speaker 2 (28:03):

You know, I just, you know, I look at it as I’m in a position I’m blessed to be where I am, and this is although I like where I’m at. I don’t know, not when they get complacent and stagnant. So I have to find other ways to not necessarily re motivate me, but keep me motivated, but to keep me growing and you know, growing as a lawyer you know, that’s the one thing I can say that stood out during the sessions at leadership Academy is a lot of other attorneys out with friend packs and longer than me. And then we had other fellows from previous classes come in and do sessions as well. And, you know, these are, you know, lawyers has been Braxton 20 plus years, 15 plus years, and still trying to, you know, make impact not on just on the bar, but on the, on the community as a whole, not just because they, you know, they’re gonna want to run for, you know, for the bar president or, you know, anything to that. But, you know, just to say that, you know, we possess one of the highest professions that you can have and, you know, tell them what it is in the oath of the Florida bar, you know, and if you take it seriously that, you know, this is what you here to do, and you’re going to take it, you know, when you’re going to put that to work. And I think that just come up with creative ideas, how you can do that is a, is always challenging. And so it may be frustrating, but it’s always rewarding.

Speaker 3 (29:37):

Do you, do you have a, a, a big, big dream right now that you know, 10 years down the road or in like that, that you’re looking even, even sooner that you want to achieve?

Speaker 2 (29:48):

Well, I mean, my dream would that they won’t be any COVID 29, so, right, right now, that’s my, that’s my best dream to be dealt with the 19th chapter, and then we can call it quits.

Speaker 3 (30:02):

Do you think we’re going to come out of this better as you know, better people or do you, cause, I mean, I just saw on social media today, there’s a lot of you know, there’s a post that says, you know, I don’t want to go back to what was normal before COVID, you know, we want to be better than what we were prior. So there’s something to be said about that as a lawyer.

Speaker 2 (30:22):

I think you know, the one thing is Lauren, you know, a lot of stuff we used to find over. I mean, you know, compared to some, you know, right now with Dale is a really worth fighting over, not to say that, you know, you shouldn’t advocate your position or you shouldn’t have it for your client. But in doing that, it was a lot of stuff, you know, you know, the email Wars that can start over something stupid you know, an adverse ruling that you think that the judge is the only, you’re the only person that judges up a rule against. And so how dare he or she, you know, I think we can leave that well, you know, in 2019 in, in, in, in before that, but moving forward, I’d like to think that, you know, we can take advantage of the tools that’s already in place.

Speaker 2 (31:09):

We don’t have to re you know, reinvent the wheel. That’s a lot of stuff that’s already out there that can allow us to practice and serve more people. Just using the basic technology that we already have. And I think by us doing that, that allow us having to do more, to spend more time doing the other stuff that’s not associated with it. And, you know, whatever that may be, if it’s traveling, if it’s, you know, comfortably going to the store and buying more than one roll of toilet paper, it’s not a crisis. I think we made him to do that. So she said about that is you know, maybe this, this crisis, you know, the Supreme court should have just pushed the courts below it to kind of focus on technology. Cause think about it. Like if you’re not driving to Polk County is you should be able to hire the best for where you are, not just the County where you rent and you know, and, you know, Laura’s can focus their time working on their cases.

Speaker 2 (32:04):

So they’ll be more prepared as opposed to just showing up in a courtroom. So the judge can see your face. It’d be nice if the Supreme court and the Florida bar that puts, I think the judges are learning that themselves, but putting some more downward pressure and said, look, there’s no reason that a lawyer has got to drive an hour or half hour in traffic. It could be at their office and, and maybe even get to a point where, you know, I don’t let you think about this Bryce, but imagine if you had acuity, you know, or software that you could actually schedule your pretrial, you can schedule your pretrial at nine to nine 16,

Speaker 1 (32:40):

And then do another one in another jurisdiction. And you’re more efficient. You’re more able to talk to your clients and you’re more able to prepare for your cases. You know, could still have lawyers show up for trial and for hearings, if you want. Cause you know, there’s something about that live connection with witnesses, but that’s certainly takes a lot of the pressure out of the job for doors. If you’re not on the road, I was struck by that. That’s really a big difference. Like, you know, so I wonder if the courts will do that. I wonder if the Supreme court and the Florida bar will kind of push the judiciary or if they’re going to push themselves to go that route, but they see the benefit of it,

Speaker 2 (33:14):

But, you know, yeah. It’s one part of me I can see that. And the other part is, you know, every 67 counties in the state you know, in, within those, I don’t know how many districts, but you know, what may work in one County may not just be feasible for the other one, you know, for population density, whatever you want to call it. So I can see those still need to have some in court stuff. That’s not a trial. But you know, there is a lot of stuff that you see that it’s just a colossal waste of everyone’s time and it’s not just the lawyers that’s coming from out of state, but I mean, even if you were the public bender of state attorney, that’s in the same jurisdiction that I don’t think sitting in the judges chambers for three and a half hours, some of that could have been done probably in 30 minutes, emailing is a better use of time.

Speaker 2 (34:09):

So, you know, we will see, I, one thing that I think that would come from this, that I would like to see is more, you know, response time from electronic communications because you know, this may be what’s being remembered and replied, I mean, relied upon more heavily now because I’m sure we all had some counsel or whatever you send an email to. And, you know, you have to send three or four followups to get a response from someone else. And I think, you know, here, you know, if seven times to me Matt and said, Hey, you know, we, you know, even if you’re out, you got to reply say, Hey, I’m out, get this back to you by this certain time. I think it would be more practical and it might alleviate the need to have some of these here until we get more reciprocity as far as communicating goes, moving forward.

Speaker 1 (35:00):

Nice. Well, I appreciate got to learn a little about you Brice and hopefully listeners were able to get to learn a little bit about your history and about your your careers before school, why you became a lawyer and some of the impact you’ve had on the community. So we appreciate you coming in and I think we’re going to wrap it up, Jeff. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (35:23):

You know, thanks again for being on the show. Appreciate it. My pleasure.

Speaker 1 (35:26):

I hope you enjoyed this episode of the Umansky law firm podcast. I’m bill Umansky. If you’ve got any questions or you just want to reach out and talk, reach us law on Instagram,

Speaker 4 (35:38):

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