Cyber Security

Can Police Hack Your Phone Without Having It?

In the digital age, scenarios that were nearly impossible just a handful of years ago are now a reality that…

3 months ago

How A.I. is Affecting the Criminal Justice System

Artificial intelligence in the form of facial recognition is becoming further embedded in society as technology continues to advance. Apple’s…

5 years ago

The Florida Computer Crimes Act

The Florida Computer Crimes Act governs numerous actions that cover computer crimes such as fraudulently making online purchases with other’s…

6 years ago

A New Blackmail Scam Spreads in Florida

The FBI’s Jacksonville division has issued a warning to Florida residents regarding a blackmailing scam circulating throughout the state. The…

6 years ago

Readers Weigh in on Orange County Textgate Scandal

The Orange-Osceola State Attorney continues to look into the Florida "textgate" scandal that surrounds Orange County authorities. The incident involves…

12 years ago

Social Media Updates Lead to Arrest

The popularity of Facebook, Twitter and other social media Web sites has led to a revolution in disclosing personal information.…

14 years ago