False Violation of Injunction

Case Number : 2021-CF-007157-A-O
County : Orange

Client on probation for stalking ex-girlfriend and has a “dating” injunction to not go to her home or work. Shortly before probation ends, client attends a “car meet up” that her friend arranged that she wasn’t attending. She sees he’s going and now decides to attend, then claims that he came within 500 feet of her in violation of the injunction (it isn’t) even though he never saw her, she was in someone else’s car, and was behind tinted windows. She changes her story when they refuse to arrest him and claims he saw her and followed her to the gas station. Police refuse to arrest, but State claims violation of probation by violating an injunction, but never actually read the injunction. The attorney takes it to a hearing, and right before the hearing, the State asks the court to dismiss the violation because the actions don’t violate the injunction, which they apparently just got around to reading.

Date Resolved : January 2023
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