Categories: Criminal Defense

Orlando Police Dept. Bans Chokeholds, No-Knock Warrants

The murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and many other African Americans through the negligent agency of law enforcement sparked an uproar in the United States. Congress, states, and some local law enforcement agencies are working intuitively in implementing extensive reforms such as bans on chokeholds and no-knock warrants. 

The Orlando Police Department is one of those agencies that introduced new policies that are being executed to improve officer training and procedures in future scenarios. Unfortunately, in today’s day and age, it may be difficult for citizens to trust that all officers will uphold their duty and follow new processes.

If you were arrested and an officer illegally puts you in a chokehold or enters your property without a warrant, you should seek legal guidance to investigate the details of your situation. The skilled attorneys at The Umansky Law Firm can help you decide how to best move forward with your case. 

What are No-Knock Warrants and How Can They Be Dangerous?

According to Cornell Law School, a no-knock warrant is a search warrant permitting law enforcement officers to enter someone’s property without notice. 

Such warrants are issued where an entry pursuant to the knock-and-announce rule (ie. an announcement prior to entry) would lead to the destruction of the objects for which the police are searching or would compromise the safety of the police or another individual.” 

The increased authorization of no-knock warrants was a result of the United States’ war on drugs, where federal and local agencies teamed up to eradicate recreational drug use. Sudden takedowns leave alleged criminals with little time to evade arrest or destroy evidence, while allowing officers to protect themselves in dangerous situations. 

The problem with no-knock warrants is that they are not only dangerous for officers, but they are threatening to the person or persons on the property. If you woke up in the middle of the night to an officer kicking down your door, you would probably be startled. Any sudden movement or action could trigger police to use excessive force or fire their weapons.

A 2014 ALCU report noted that nearly 62% of raids were drug searches and only 35% of them were successful in finding drugs. These types of warrants increase the risk of violence and could put the lives of innocent people in imminent danger. No-knock warrants may constitute several other consequences including:

  • Intruding on the wrong house
  • Injuring both police and civilians
  • Property damage

What are Chokeholds and When Can Police Use Them?

There are two main types of neck restraints: chokeholds and strangleholds. Chokeholds block airways when pressure is exerted on the front of the neck, whereas strangleholds obstruct blood that flows to the brain when excessive pressure is placed on the sides of the neck.  

These techniques are used by police officers to take control of a violent or hostile subject. However, these tactics can wrong in many ways including:  

  • If applied improperly
  • If a subject has a preexisting physical disposition
  • If applied for too long, they could kill someone

The main concern with chokeholds is that they require rigorous training and skills to safely apply to someone, especially when that person is resisting arrest. However, even a small shift in pressure can impact someone’s breathing, causing them to lose consciousness. The Orlando Police Department believes that banning chokeholds will re-establish the communities trust in law enforcement and will make certain that every single person is treated equally. 

Other New Policies Orlando Police are Employing

The Orlando Police Department has examined their procedures to make sure that they are doing the best they can to uphold their duties. Other policy changes and priorities that were put in place recently include: 

  • Officers must issue a verbal warning, if safe and practical, prior to shooting
  • If an officer does need to apply force, they must follow the use of force continuum which states that an officer should only use force to recover control of the situation
  • When an officer uses force, other officers around have the duty to intervene if force is used inappropriately
  • Every time an officer uses force, a supervisor must examine the situation
  • Officer should consider all non-lethal options before firing their guns
  • Officer should refrain from shooting at moving cars

Discover Your Options by Contacting an Orlando Attorney Today

If you were recently arrested for a criminal offense, contact the compassionate attorneys at The Umansky Law Firm. Our firm is dedicated to defending the rights of citizens and will do so by aggressively advocating for your freedom. Our skilled attorneys will challenge the charges against you to obtain the most favorable results, which is why our clients trust us to give each of their cases the time and skillful representation that it needs to get the best outcome possible.  

The Umansky Law Firm has over 100 years of experience tackling cases of the most complex nature and strives to provide exceptional customer service to our clients. We exhaust every possible approach to present you with a thorough list of options and resources that can help you move forward with your life. Discover your options today by scheduling a free consultation or participate in our free online case review. Contact us by calling our office or fill out our contact form.


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