Should I Admit Guilt To My Attorney?

Should I Admit Guilt To My Attorney?

Should I Admit Guilt To My Attorney?

Talking to an attorney after a criminal charge can make anybody nervous. But you did it, and you know you did it. Should you tell your attorney? Some lawyers will ask, some will not, and some don’t want to know. Many people believe that if they “confess that they did it,” their attorney won’t try to represent them anymore, or not give them a good defense.

You should be honest with your criminal defense attorney. Without the correct facts, a good defense becomes more difficult. He or she should not represent you differently because you admitted to doing something. A defense attorney is ethically required to strongly defend all clients, regardless of whether he or she feels they are guilty.

Attorney-Client Privilege

One of the hallmarks of an attorney’s relationship with a client is your privilege of telling him or her anything you want and he or she cannot repeat it. This is true of all types of law practices, not just criminal defense. If you’re unsure about what to tell or not tell, ask what would be covered by this privilege before you confess to anything.

Your Orlando criminal defense attorney will ask you a number of questions about your case to determine the best path for your defense. Anything you tell your attorney is kept in the office unless it is something which must be discussed in a plea bargain or in court. Your attorney’s job is to make sure that you receive a fair hearing and your rights are protected.


Should you decide later to tell your attorney that you are “guilty” and have done something, he or she could be in a difficult position. On the one hand, anything you tell to your attorney is covered by the attorney-client privilege. However, if you are truly guilty, or have lied about the facts previously and change your story, your attorney will not want to put you on the stand so that you will incorrectly testify. Perjury, or lying under oath, is a complicated offense that can lead to harsh penalties.

If you’ve confessed to something that changes the defense, your attorney cannot continue to defend you using incorrect information that would allow you to commit perjury. Should you confess, your attorney’s focus will then be on showing that the prosecution did not positively prove your guilt, rather than argue for your innocence, and leave that question to the judge and/or jury to answer.

So, Should You Tell?

A criminal defense attorney will primarily be focused on making the prosecution positively prove guilt beyond a shadow of a doubt. Is there positive proof that you actually did what they say you did, or is the case built on faulty or circumstantial evidence? You’re not legally considered guilty until the prosecution can offer sufficient evidence to a judge or jury for a conviction. Your defense attorney’s main concern is whether more than sufficient evidence to convict you exists, and ensuring a fair trial.

Looking for Criminal Defense in Orlando? Call The Lawman

If you are charged with a crime, you are still entitled to a fair trial under the law. Our team has over 100 years of combined legal experience, so you can be sure you are receiving the best representation available. Contact our office today to learn more about us. Our phones are open 24/7.

Should I Admit Guilt To My Attorney?