NACDL Second Chance Month

NACDL Second Chance Month

NACDL Second Chance Month

Second Chance Month begins this April, and the NACDL is emphasizing how essential it is to recognize this time of year in America’s communities and society by speaking with Members of Congress. This month focuses on the importance of preventing crime, respecting the law, and providing second chances to those who break the law. It is necessary that those with criminal convictions move past their crimes and become successful community members once again.

The NACDL has a free webinar “What to Do Before, During, and After Meetings with Members of Congress.” on April 2nd at 2:00 p.m EST explaining how to communicate with congressional leaders and why it’s important to do so. Their efforts remind us all that a vital factor in criminal justice is a focus on reducing rates of crime and incarceration numbers. By making this our goal, we decrease the burden on not just the criminal, but the community in which they live.

Why Second Chances Are Important

According to the Department of Justice, approximately 70 million Americans have a criminal offense on their records. This staggering number emphasizes the societal impact on the convicted in our country. The long-term consequences one faces after a conviction include:

  • Employability issues
  • Ineligibility for certain occupational licenses
  • Loss of educational assistance
  • Revocation of driving privileges
  • Suspension of parental rights
  • Changes to immigration status
  • Inability to vote in public elections
  • Reduced or permanent disqualification from public assistance
  • Rejection by the community and society

These barriers fly in the face of supported research that shows that regular employment and education opportunities prevent further acts of crime. Instead, our nation imposes these devastating restrictions that prevent the offender from finding a successful avenue of stability and may lead back to crime and incarceration. This is why changing our attitudes about helping prisoners to have a second chance is critical to our nation’s safety and economics.

Second Chance Defense Attorneys

At The Umansky Law Firm, we believe second chances are critical to successful rehabilitation and growth when our clients face criminal charges. Lapses in judgment cause many of us sincere regret for our actions, and we do everything possible to earn you that second chance in life. Our team’s over 100 years of combined criminal practice experience has taught us more than how to win a case, but also compassion. We educate and counsel our clients about their crimes while also encouraging them about their future and offering resources for further care.

As former prosecutors, we know how the state will approach a criminal case. We always aggressively negotiate for the best possible outcome, so you get the opportunity to move past this difficult time and find success. Contact our office today for a free case evaluation and learn how we can unlock a second chance for you.

NACDL Second Chance Month